Friday, 16 March 2012

Reavers Of Harkenwold Begins Sunday

Reavers Of Harkenwold:

About two weeks ago I finished making the maps for the Iron Keep, the place where the final encounters will take place in the Reaver's of Harkenwold. I'm excited at the prospect of running this final encounter, there are several ways to enter the keep and unfortunately, I can go back and re-run this encounter and try them all!

My current concern is baiting the players into the adventure, and creating a smooth transition between HS1 and Reavers Of Harkenwold. Some of my Eladrin characters aren't too easy to hook into adventures as the setting involves many humans, and their Eladrin characters are "too good to help the humans". Gold is always a good way to get the heroes in and I've decided to have Lord Warden Faren Markely of Fallcrest hire the heroes as bounty hunters. My players like to haggle, so I'm worried that they will up their price beyond the level appropriate levels.

I'm not a big fan of playing overland movement especially in 4th edition. It takes only one day to restore the party to full resources. So encounters need to take place in sequence over a period of one day to challenge the players and give them a slight chance of dying. So I'm opting to skip over traveling between Gorizabbad and Fallcrest. Though the players would have to pay to restore their rations and pay for rooms in Winterhaven Fallcrest. I do like hitting the players up for small coin here and there to add to the imaginations of the players.

Payment is a solid hook but there is always the question, "How much do I pay these players without unbalancing the game?"

After posting the synopsis on facebook, the players seem excited about the game, a good sign.

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